Juvenile Crimes Attorney in Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Has Your Child Been Arrested for A Crime?
A juvenile crime in Florida is considered to have occurred when the perpetrator is under the age of 18, considered a minor. Florida has some of the toughest laws in the country in relation to juvenile crime, frequently charging juveniles as adults for certain offenses. If your child has been charged with a crime, consulting with a Fort Lauderdale criminal defense attorney is crucial to protecting your minor’s future.
Minors can still face serious consequences. We're prepared to defend your child and their future.
Juvenile Court is run much differently than adult Court. Juvenile Court attempts to redirect the child from the behavior that landed them in Court. Many times teenagers can begin to associate with the wrong type of kids, hooking up with gangs or other malcontents. Often when teenagers do not have jobs or have too much time on their hands, they can begin to act out and start stealing, vandalizing property, or getting into drugs and substance abuse. Juvenile Courts may impose curfews, require teens to attend school, or require them to get jobs in order to get them “back on track.” You need a Ft. Lauderdale criminal defense attorney that is experienced with juvenile court and knows what to expect.
A minor convicted of a juvenile crime can find themselves facing fines, jail time, community service, mandatory counseling, and probation. Some juveniles will be removed from the home, depending on the charges, and could end up in a detention facility.
Unfortunately, some of the crimes that juveniles commit can be charged in adult court, even if they are under 18. These tend to be more serious offenses or when a juvenile has a lengthy criminal record. If you have a juvenile that is charged in adult court, you need to call a Ft. Lauderdale criminal lawyer immediately. There are also laws in the State of Florida that allow a juvenile to receive a much lesser punishment than an adult charged with the same offense.
Need a Lawyer to Fight Your Child’s Charges in Fort Lauderdale?
When your child is accused of a crime, it is very important to act quickly in order for your attorney to begin their investigation and develop a strong defense. At DiRenzo Defense, we provide clients with a boutique service, bringing you personalized care when you need it most.
With over 30 years of experience and service as a former prosecutor, the firm can provide its clients' keen insight into the development of the prosecution’s case. With our expertise having successfully defended numerous clients, you can feel secure in the professionalism you will obtain from our legal team. If your minor child has been charged with a juvenile crime, contact a Fort Lauderdale juvenile defense lawyer for skilled legal counsel.